Wellbeing at Work has become an essential element in this era of profound change
and transformation. Companies that make wellbeing at work a strategic priority out-
perform their competitors. Creating a work environment that prioritises the
psychological and social wellbeing of employees can have a significant impact on
their productivity and performance. When workers feel safe and supported, they are
more likely to be creative, innovative and engaged in their work.
If you’ve heard the phrase ‘Wellbeing in the Workplace’ and don’t know where to
start, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Health and Safety Ireland
(https://www.healthandsafetyirl.ie/). We will lead and assist your company in
implementing wellbeing practices.
If you do one thing…..
If you want to take the first step towards improving your wellbeing, try checking in
with yourself daily. Ask yourself: How am I doing today? How am I feeling? Don’t
judge your answers or immediately try to “fix” how you’re feeling. Just become
Research has proven that emotional awareness leads to greater well-being. Being
aware of your challenging emotions reduces their intensity and allows you to do
something to support yourself in feeling a little better.
#WorkWell24 #HealthandSafetyIrl.ie #WellbeingatWork #EmployeeWellness #WorkLifeBalance #HealthyWorkplace